Default Change Token

A ChangeToken has the following capabilities.

pub type Callback = Box<dyn Fn(Option<Arc<dyn Any>>) + Send + Sync>;

pub trait ChangeToken: Send + Sync {
    fn changed(&self) -> bool;
    fn must_poll(&self) -> bool;
    fn register(
        callback: Callback,
        state: Option<Arc<dyn Any>>) -> Registration;

All of the out-of-the-box change tokens use callbacks to signal a change, but must_poll can return true to indicate that a consumer should poll changed. changed is expected to return true when a change has been observed. The result may vary between invocations depending on the implementations.

When register is called, a Registration is returned. A Registration is an opaque struct that is used to terminate the registration. When the Registration struct is dropped, the callback will be removed from the change token's callback list. The caller owns the Registration, which ensures that a memory leak never occurs from the ChangeToken holding onto a callback longer than it should.

The DefaultChangeToken is the default implementation from which all other ChangeToken implementations are based on. This simple ChangeToken manages a list of callbacks and invokes them whenever DefaultChangeToken::notify is called by the producer. This ChangeToken supports triggering callbacks multiple times.

Since the token may be signaled multiple times, changed only reports true while it is actively invoking callbacks. When used in a synchronous context, this means the return value will always be false. When used in an asynchronous context, the return value may be true and potentially useful to a caller. For most usage scenarios, the act of invoking a callback signals a change and the value of changed is uninteresting.