Service Resolution

Once you've registered, validated, and instantiated a ServiceProvider, you'll eventually need to get something out of it. This should typically only happen at the root of your application, but it might occur in other scenarios such as creating a new scope. The following functions are provided to resolve services:

getA single service, if it's registered
get_mutA single, mutable service, if it's registered
get_by_keyA single service by key, if it's registered
get_by_key_mutA single, mutable service by key, if it's registered
get_allAll services of the specified type
get_all_mutAll mutable services of the specified type
get_all_by_keyAll services of the specified type and key
get_all_by_key_mutAll mutable services of the specified type and key
get_requiredA single service or panics
get_required_mutA single, mutable service or panics
get_required_by_keyA single service by key or panics
get_required_by_key_mutA single, mutable service by key or panics


Consider the following structures:

use di::*; trait Thing { } struct Thing1; impl Thing for Thing1 { } struct Thing2; impl Thing for Thing2 { } struct Thing3; impl Thing for Thing3 { }

Here are some ways that we can register and resolve them:

use crate::*; use di::*; let provider = ServiceCollection::new() .add(transient_as_self::<Thing1>().from(|_| Ref::new(Thing1))) .add(transient::<dyn Thing, Thing1>().from(|_| Ref::new(Thing1))) .add(transient::<dyn Thing, Thing2>().from(|_| Ref::new(Thing2))) .add(transient_mut::<dyn Thing, Thing3>().from(|_| RefMut::new(Thing3.into()))) .build_provider() .unwrap(); // Some(Thing1) assert!(provider.get::<Thing1>().is_some()); // None assert!(provider.get::<Thing3>().is_none()); // RwLock<dyn Thing> → RwLock<Thing3> assert!(provider.get_mut::<dyn Thing>().is_some()); // dyn Thing → Thing1 // dyn Thing → Thing2 assert_eq!(provider.get_all::<dyn Thing>().count(), 2);